Thematic approach for Biology teaching the rio formate as a space to address Botanical and Ecology

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Ana Paula Dutra dos Santos Sampaio


The research discusses the promotion of Biology Education, specifically the contents of Botany and Ecology from the Thematic Approach and the development of a didactic sequence and a field class in a non-formal educational setting adjacent to the school, The Formate river, which is located in the community where the reference educational institution is inserted. This work aims to discuss the application of an investigative Didactic Sequence (SD) for the teaching of Botany and Ecology in Basic Education, by using dynamic activities in content teaching and a field class, encouraging the autonomy and the protagonism of students in the learning process. This is a research in education, a pedagogical intervention developed in a school environment, whose data were collected during the intervention and qualitatively approached.As results, it is pointed out the awareness, the interaction and reconstruction of the concepts of Botany and Ecology, valuing and enhancing the students’ previous knowledge about the Formate River.


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How to Cite
Sampaio, A. P. D. dos S. (2022). Thematic approach for Biology teaching: the rio formate as a space to address Botanical and Ecology . SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 15(2), 1071–1083.
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Author Biography

Ana Paula Dutra dos Santos Sampaio, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo

Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES). Vitória, ES - Brazil. School Manager - Secretary of Education of the State of Espírito Santo (SEDU). Vitória, ES - Brazil.


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