The water quality of rivers a context to explore argumentative competence in high school students

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Linda Dayana Ramírez Acosta
Tatiana Iveth Salazar-López


We present the analysis of the written productions of high school students when interacting with an argumentative context about the pollution of rivers. The information was analyzed in a category system composed of 8 dimensions. The results indicate that the dimensions data sources and relationship of variables present barriers that are due to the reading and interpretation of charts and graphs. Regarding the Incorporation of data dimension when elaborating an argument, the students appeal to the stories of the surrounding inhabitants as evidence in comparison to the use of data associated with numerical values. It is necessary to previously work on other skills such as the interpretation and use of data to achieve the construction of more robust arguments.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Acosta, L. . D., & Salazar-López , T. I. . (2022). The water quality of rivers: a context to explore argumentative competence in high school students. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 15(2), 925–949.
Relatos de Experiência
Author Biographies

Linda Dayana Ramírez Acosta, Universidad del Valle

Degree in Basic Education with Emphasis in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education - Universidad del Valle - Colombia. Teacher of natural sciences in secondary basic education - Colegio CREAD - Colombia.

Tatiana Iveth Salazar-López , Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the Industrial Polytechnic Institute

PhD in Education for Science - "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" State University (UNESP) Bauru, SP - Brazil. Research professor at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the Industrial Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) Unit Monterrey, Mexico


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