Promoting Scientific Education through the Science Club: Experience of Residents of the Pedagogical Residency program and their Contributions in a Public School experience of Residents of the Pedagogical Residency program and their Contributions in a Public School

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Marcia Silva Felix
Graziele Santos de Almeida
Carme Renata Almeida de Santana
Silvana do Nascimento Silva


This article explores the integration of the Pedagogical Residency Program together with the Science Club in a full-time public school. The program aims to strengthen the relationship between academic training and educational practice, providing undergraduates with the opportunity to be involved in basic education institutions, experiencing the reality of the classroom from the teacher's point of view, even during their undergraduate studies. The Science Club, within this context, plays an important role in providing a practical and engaging space to explore scientific concepts. The comprehensive project planning was conceived as a proposal for social intervention, aiming to stimulate scientific curiosity and critical thinking among participants. Throughout the project implementation, many challenges were faced, but the results indicate significant potential in promoting Scientific Literacy and achieving established objectives, thus reinforcing the effectiveness and positive impact of the initiative. This experience highlights the importance of theoretical-practical training and the effectiveness of the Science Club in engaging students in a practical and investigative manner. Sharing these results aims to contribute to advances in science education and inspire motivating pedagogical practices that can be implemented in basic education.


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How to Cite
Felix, M. S., Almeida, G. S. de, Santana, C. R. A. de, & Silva, S. do N. (2024). Promoting Scientific Education through the Science Club: Experience of Residents of the Pedagogical Residency program and their Contributions in a Public School: experience of Residents of the Pedagogical Residency program and their Contributions in a Public School. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 17(nesp.1), 606–620.
Dossiê Temático: PIBID e Residência Pedagógica: as disciplinas Ciências e Biologia na relação entre escola e universidade
Author Biographies

Marcia Silva Felix, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). Jequié, BA - Brazil.

Graziele Santos de Almeida, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). Jequié, BA - Brazil. Professor at the Caritas Francescana Dynamic Education Institute. Itiruçu, BA - Brazil.

Carme Renata Almeida de Santana, State University of Feira de Santana

Master in Environmental Science Teaching - State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). Feira de Santana, BA - Brazil. Full-time Professor at the Integrated Complex of Basic, Professional and Technological Education of Jequié - Bahia - Brazil

Silvana do Nascimento Silva, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

PhD in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences - Federal University of Bahia. Salvador, BA - Brazil. Full Professor at the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). Jequié, BA - Brazil.


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