Teaching of zoology by observation challenges the Scientific method as a learning instrument

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Kerolen Rosa das Neves
Lavínia Schwantes


In this article, we intend to present a methodological approach applied to the teaching of Zoology: the observation challenges. We base our proposal on the union of two didactic strategies: educate by research and investigative cases. Next, we describe a protocol explaining how to proceed to apply this methodology. We approach the scientific method in the school space allowing students to experience and engage in the social practices of scientific culture. During its application we realized that students began to develop autonomy, reflection, freedom of expression and scientific reasoning. In addition, his approach favors interdisciplinarity and contextualization, valuing the brazilian fauna.


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How to Cite
Neves, K. R. das, & Schwantes, L. (2019). Teaching of zoology by observation challenges: the Scientific method as a learning instrument. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 12(2), 188–206. https://doi.org/10.46667/renbio.v12i2.218
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Author Biographies

Kerolen Rosa das Neves, Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid

Graduated in Biological Sciences Degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). She is currently a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA).

Lavínia Schwantes, Federal University of Rio Grande

Graduated in Licenciatura, and, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and Master in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. PhD in Science Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). She is currently an adjunct professor at FURG and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Science Education (PPGEC / FURG).


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