Team-Based Learning for students in the final grades of primary school

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Taisa Vieira da Silva
Glaecir Roseni Mundstock Dias
Kléber Luiz de Araújo e Souza


Team-Based Learning (TBL) has emerged as a promising pedagogical proposal. In this work, we evaluated application of TBL in the three final year’s terms of primary school (homologous to the middle school in USA, student’s age 11-14) at the second two months period of school classes. Subsequently, the performance in grades of the students was evaluated and compared with the grades of students in the same period from the previous school year whom underwent no intervention. A synthesis using the collective subject discourse (CSD) was also applied. There was an improvement in the acquisition and application of the knowledge taught, in addition to an improvement in the performance of hours studied. The DSC showed wide acceptance of the method among students. Our results suggest that TBL is a valid and effective methodology for elementary school students.


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How to Cite
Silva, T. V. da, Dias, G. R. M., & Souza, K. L. de A. e. (2024). Team-Based Learning for students in the final grades of primary school. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 17(2), 740–764.
Relatos de Experiência
Author Biographies

Taisa Vieira da Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Master in Science Teaching from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Duque de Caxias, RJ - Brazil. PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Duque de Caxias, RJ - Brazil

Glaecir Roseni Mundstock Dias, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Biological Sciences (Toxicological Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Santa Maria, RS - Brazil. Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

Kléber Luiz de Araújo e Souza, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Biological Sciences (Cell Biology) from the State University of Maringá (UEM). Maringá, PR - Brazil. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil


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