The invention of microscope marks of a technical instrument in the awakening of biological thought

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Marcelo Valério
Clarissa Torresan


The microscope was not only the consequence of human intelligence and ingenuity, but a real and powerful example of how technical instruments have transformed knowledge and culture. The instrument created in the heart of a mechanical universe and also in response to the needs of practical life, took a long time to become a scientific observation tool and this was only possible because of the peculiar work of an individual with no scientific training. The
microscope helped to release biology from the shackles of mechanical physicalism and to make it an essential science in the world explanation. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, the whole organization of the areas of biological thinking was influenced, directly or indirectly, by the advent and refinement of the microscope and its results. And besides revealing worlds that remained inaccessible to the human senses, to look and see through the microscope lens created new realities on which science would be engaged.


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How to Cite
Valério, M., & Torresan, C. (2017). The invention of microscope: marks of a technical instrument in the awakening of biological thought. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 10(1), 125–134.
Author Biographies

Marcelo Valério, Federal University of Paraná

Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, advanced campus of Jandaia do Sul / PR, he teaches Computer Science and Exact Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics) and serves as a member of the institution's "Sectorial Extension Committee". He is graduated (Bachelor and Licensed) in "Biological Sciences", Master in "Scientific and Technological Education" and PhD student in "Education for Science". He has experience in Basic Education and in pedagogical advisory and editorial support jobs. It has bibliographic and technical production in several theoretical fields of Education, with emphasis on teaching methodologies.

Clarissa Torresan, UniCesumar

PhD (PhD) in Genetics from the Federal University of Paraná (2011), part of the doctorate (sandwich) was held at Georgetown University - Washington DC, USA. He holds a master's degree in Genetics (UFPR - 2006) and a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2004). He has experience in the field of Genetics, with an emphasis on Human Genetics, Medical Genetics and Oncogenetics, acting mainly on the following themes: breast cancer, CNVs, genetic polymorphisms, molecular genetic techniques and classical and molecular cytogenetics. He is currently a professor in the undergraduate course in Medicine at Centro Universitário de Maringá (UniCesumar).


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