Research in the teacher training process

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Jeanine de Mello Neckel
Maria Cristina Pansera de Araújo


Many questions about the teacher training for basic education suggest the requirements is knowledge, skills and resourcefulness in teaching. In this context, the supervised internship, in initial training of  teachers, provides an approximation with the school reality. The teacher, in the teaching internship, has the possibility of recognizing himself as a subject who not only reproduces knowledge, but can also make his own classroom work into a space of teaching praxis and human transformation. Thus, we bring a qualitative-quantitative research to analyze students 'conceptions about teaching and science teaching. The analyzes of the students'answers show that their conceptions are interrelated, since education is constructed through several spheres.


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How to Cite
Neckel, J. de M., & Araújo, M. C. P. de. (2019). Research in the teacher training process. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 12(2), 259–269.
Artigos com Relatos de Pesquisa
Author Biographies

Jeanine de Mello Neckel, Northwestern Regional University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

Biology Professor at the State Education Network of Rio Grande do Sul. Graduation in Biological Sciences-UNIJUI. Graduate in Biology Teaching

Maria Cristina Pansera de Araújo, Northwestern Regional University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil. Research professor at the Graduate Program in Education in Science - Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUI) - Ijuí, RS - Brazil.


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