Informal learning and agroecological practices in the context of an orchard

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Candela Perroni Gasull
Emilia Sago Herrador
Rocío Belén Martín


The following work is approached from an ethnographic approach, and its purpose is to know relevant aspects of co-constructed learning through agricultural practices in the informal context of an orchard, located within the territory of a national university in Argentina, configured autonomously and horizontal. Through the analysis of the narratives of the orchards that regularly participate in the orchard, categories of analysis were elaborated on the predominant traits of agroecological learning, a saber: (1) trajectories of the participants, (2) learning as community practice, (3) personal aspects of learning, (4) learning-generating practices and (5) political-social dimension.


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How to Cite
Perroni Gasull, C., Sago Herrador, E., & Belén Martín, R. (2020). Informal learning and agroecological practices in the context of an orchard. SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 13(1), 206–222.
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