Online circuit as proposal teaching of microbiology .

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Laiane Oliveira Lima Soares
Lucas Lopes de Sousa
Luis Costa Coutinho
Francimar Batista Sousa
Natália Rodrigues da Silva
Iara Gabriela dos Santos Nascimento
Marcos Antônio Lima Mário
Marlúcia da Silva Bezerra Lacerda


The teaching of microbiology should be considered important in education, as the didactic used directly impacts the learning process. The objective was to contribute with practical and didactic methods in the online teaching of microbiology at a higher education institution in Teresina-PI. This study is exploratory of quali-quantitative approach. Thus, the application of COM used active methodologies (Google-Classroom, Google-Forms, and Kahoot) for interaction. The results presented were meaningful, where 90% of the students said that the activities contributed to the assimilation of the contents. We conclude that the online teaching practical methods used in this study considerably contributed in the learning process of the microbiology contents.


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How to Cite
Soares, L. O. L., Sousa, L. . L. de ., Coutinho , L. C., Sousa, F. B., Silva , N. R. da ., Nascimento, I. G. dos S., … Lacerda , M. da S. B. . (2021). Online circuit as proposal teaching of microbiology . SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 14(2), 900–910.
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Author Biographies

Laiane Oliveira Lima Soares, Federal Institute of Piauí

Graduated Nurse - Centro Universitário UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI - Brazil. Student of the Licentiate Degree in Biology at the Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI). Teresina, PI - Brazil.

Lucas Lopes de Sousa, Federal InFederal Institute of Piauí

Graduated in Agricultural Engineering - State University of Piauí (UESPI). Teresina, PI - Brazil. Undergraduate in Biological Sciences  - Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI). Teresina, PI - Brazil.

Luis Costa Coutinho , Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí

Biomedical - UNINOVAFAPI University Center. Teresina, PI – Brazil. Degree in Biological Sciences - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI). Teresina, PI – Brazil.

Francimar Batista Sousa, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí

Undergraduate in Science - Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) Teresina Central Campus. Teresina, PI - Brazil.

Natália Rodrigues da Silva , Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí

Biological Sciences Undergraduate Student - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) Teresina, PI - Brazil

Iara Gabriela dos Santos Nascimento, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí

Student in Biological Sciences -  Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) Teresina Central Campus. Teresina, PI - Brazil.

Marcos Antônio Lima Mário, Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí

Degree in Biological Sciences - Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) Teresina Central Campus. Tereseina, PI - Brazil.

Marlúcia da Silva Bezerra Lacerda , Federal Institute of Piauí

PhD in Animal Science - Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Teresina, PI - Brazil. Professor of the Licentiate Course in Biological Sciences - Federal Institute of Piauí (IFPI) Teresina Central Campus. Teresina, PI - Brazil.


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