The use of scientific dissemination texts and their contributions to the teaching and learning process

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Aluizio Andrade de Castro Júnior
Bianca Maíra de Paiva Ottoni Boldrini


In science teaching, it appears that some biology teachers have already been using some alternative educational resources, such as the use of scientific dissemination texts in addition to textbooks in their teaching practices, to improve student learning. In this sense, the present work aimed to analyze how teachers use scientific dissemination texts and their contribution to the teaching and learning process in State Public Schools in the Municipality of Boa Vista/RR. Regarding the objective of this research, qualitative and descriptive research was approached. Regarding the technical procedures, the field study was used. Thus, to carry out this research, twelve state schools in the capital were selected, of which twenty biology teachers who teach classes to students in the 1st grade of high school agreed to participate in the research. Thus, questionnaires were applied containing thirteen questions alternating between closed and open questions used to research the biology teachers participating in the research. Data analysis was based on the objective of this work. We found in this research that some teachers have been using scientific popularization texts more frequently in addition to textbooks, and using alternative didactic strategies, such as the practice of reading, conducting and discussing debates, solving investigative problems from the research, and holding science fairs. Such strategies are used to contribute to the improvement of student learning in biology teaching.


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How to Cite
Castro Júnior, A. A. de ., & Boldrini, B. M. de P. O. . (2022). The use of scientific dissemination texts and their contributions to the teaching and learning process: . SBEnBio Biology Teaching Journal, 15(2), 1031–1051.
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Author Biographies

Aluizio Andrade de Castro Júnior, State University of Roraima

Master in Science Teaching – State University of Roraima (UERR). Boa Vista, RR - Brazil. Undergraduate professor of the Nursing course at the University of the Amazon (UNAMA). Manaus, AM - Brazil.

Bianca Maíra de Paiva Ottoni Boldrini, Federal University of Roraima

PhD in Biological Sciences (Entomology) - National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA). Manaus, AM - Brazil. Professor of Biology and Sciences - College of Application (CEDUC/UFRR). Professor - Graduate Professional Master's Degree in Science Teaching - State University of Roraima. Extension Coordinator at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR). Boa Vista, RR - Brazil.


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